Wednesday, December 29, 2010

a friend

The company of friends is so dear, something you dont cherish until you dont have it. Much like most things in life you dont know what you have until its gone. After an evening of margaritas, sloppy homemade rolls, a tacky 90's movie, and lots of laughter you do realise its the simplest of life's pleasures not even the guilty ones that are the most enjoyable. And well there are many quotes and sayings for friendship but my most favourite would have to be.......
A good friend will lie for you, a true friend will help you hide the body

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the departed, sleeves and cupcake

Oh the irony of a name! my departed partner was of the name sebastian, the first and only sebastian in my life (well of course with the exception of the crab in the little mermaid)....... until 7 days ago i met a man named Sebastian who is what i believe to become a good friend, and now as i sit here on this warm tuesday afternoon i have just come from the hustle and bustle of the city where i was taken on a delightful lunch outing, eating baguettes on the riverside followed by coffee and cupcakes on degraves st with another man named Sebastian. You see the irony is that i still love and care for the first sebastian ever so much, I told him i loved him only for his reply to be "i love you too but i am not 'in' love with you" So as you can imagine that was that and i called it a day, well 7 months to be more precise. I still long for his good morning msg and afterwork phone call, the cuddles and head massages. But to be with someone who isnt in love with you........ is well i guess a life without LOVE.
 So do you thinks its a total coincidence that i meet 2 Sebastian's the week of our break up (i mean its not a completely common name), or is it the gods spitting in my face? perhaps its a warning to stay away from all with this name, or maybe a sign to say i need Sebastian in my life! Oh deary me too many options to even ponder! what to do? do i discard all with this name or just ignore? im not sure! I know that none of the new Sebastian's will replace the old, but i shouldn't even compare should i? its not fair really, but a aching heart is bound to i guess. So i have given nicknames to the 2 newbies, the first being Sleeve sebastian for the simple fact that he has half a tattoo sleeve, the second i have dubbed cupcake..... cute you may say? well on our first conversation we discussed our likes of doughnuts and cupcakes and he is of the opinion that cupcakes are the new Krispy Creme and promised to take me for cupcakes, hence the cupcake outing today. He suggested Max after i told him my predicament but i think cupcakes by far the better option.

Monday, November 8, 2010

tell me what i want!!!!!

 You see, ive come to the realisation that i kinda need a little bit of drama in my life, i also need romance and funny enough the two go hand in hand for me. Ive been told by numerous psychics that i wont be with the same person for ever, and that i also havnt met the right person yet. I really wish they had of given a better description of him, actually they said it could even be a she!!!!! Will i ever be 100% happy in love? or is that all just a myth? are those people that are in loving relationships really 100% happy? If so im sickly jealous that they are. I guess im pondering on the though of me maybe having to higher expectations in romance. I dont really think anyone is 100% in love, there is always something wrong........ isnt there? My mum always says dont judge a book by its cover, and the same goes with a loving couple. For we dont know what really goes on when they are at home, when they are alone. Is there really a key out there somewhere to fit my lock? To unlock my heart and take it as their own. I would greatly give my heart away to anyone who mildly fits my long list of pre-credentuals, just at the hope of finding that happiness. But i think i do tend to give my heart away a bit to easily. I think my problem is i dont even know what it is im looking for! Imagine that, getting up in the morning and looking franticly to find that something.... but what is it, but what are you looking for? I know right! it would be irritating! and i kinda feel thats where im at in life at the moment. Can someone else please tell me what i want?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Murphys Law......... ALL SO TRUE!

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

You will always find something in the last place you look.

No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

The other line always moves faster.

In order to get a loan, you must first prove you don't need it.

Anything you try to fix will take longer and cost you more than you thought.

If you fool around with a thing for very long you will screw it up.

If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.

Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.

Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.

In any hierarchy, each individual rises to his own level of incompetence, and then remains there.

There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.

When in doubt, mumble. When in trouble, delegate.

Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.

Listen to yourself!

How is it that u always know what is best for other people but cant work out what truly is best for yourself? I think i am rather good at giving advice, well id even go as far as saying im wonderful at giving advice....... but when it comes to giving myself advice i suck! I think the majority of people are the same. Its so ridiculous that i can guide someone else in the right direction, or solve all the problems in their life and yet still cant do that for myself? Do i think im lying to myself when im giving myself advice? Hmmmm a hard ponder indeed! I think at the end of the day we all know what we as a person want and need, but its always so much easier to listen, and makes so much more sense when coming from someone elses mouth, why is this? Perhaps i should try doing a voice recording giving me all the answers to my own questions, and listen ever so intently, do you think ill listen then?....... hmmmm i think not.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Circuit board of love

Why is it that you always want what you dont or cant have? I find is so strange that the absence of something or someone can give you a whole new perspective on things.  All i want right now is what i no longer have, and at my own choosing is why it is gone! Why do we sabotage ourselves and our own chances at happiness? Part of me says there is a grand scheme for things and that whats meant to happen will happen, but how do i know whether to run for that bus or not? For if i dont catch that bus i could meet the love of my life on the next bus, but what happens if the love of my life was on the already departed bus?  So many questions, so many thoughts, and although we do all have answers for these questions, they will differ from person to person. So do i run for that bus or wait for the next? Is there already a path set for us or are we really the creators of our own destiny? Perhaps a little of both. I do much prefer the fairytale-istic version, like the version played out in all the hollywood romances. But really guys...... does stuff like that ever happen to you? Perhaps it is all their fault for giving us false hope and unrealistic expectations. I mean do you ever see the people in the movies not ending up with the knight in shining armour? you may say yes but think about it a little harder, they will always find something good like the power of ones self, or destiny, or even throw in some dementia and make us forget the pain and hurt we have been thru. Do they ever end a movie with a person in so much pain and hurt that they no longer want to live? again you may say yes but..... were they block busters movies??????????? again you may say yes, in which case good for you! But for the hopeless romantics like me.......... its the happy endings i remember. 
 I guess what im trying to point out is the fact that in the movies they always find some happiness, so why as the human race can we not do this in real life for ourselves? Maybe its just me being negative nelly over here but i just wish we as a society would focus on the good rather then the bad, its almost like we all have a built in circuit board of despair and depression, programmed to power up at any chance of happiness. So its up to us, thats right you and me to create our own happiness, our own destiny and to choose our own paths. So get out those sledge hammers and smash up those circuit boards people, or perhaps try to turn them into a circuit board of love. One that when it powers up, looks at the positive side of life. 
There is a chance the love of my life may have been on that bus, and he is gone now never to be seen again, so very sad i know!!!!. But ill find another bus, and if there is a love of my life on there then great!!!!!! but if not........ there are always more buses, or perhaps i might even walk........        

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

snippits from my snapper

So when my creative side does show itself i find myself overly engrossed in that project and spend endless hours doing simple mindless things... e.g waiting for lightning.... 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Whats in a name?

I guess i should explain my my blog's name... but where to begin? I guess a good place to begin would be the beginning... as is all good places to begin.
I feel my life is best measured in relationships, im either in one, starting one, ending one or simply searching for one. Yes thats right im a hopeless romantic, ive even tried to put a ban on watching romances as they do lead to unrealistic expectations in love. I simply find I is not a capital i without someone to share I with. So firstly to point out that i am a homosexual, or rather faggot poofta or homo, what ever tickles your fancy. I came out at 18 and straight into a rather serious relationship. One that i guess has moulded my tainted view on love. We bought a house, had the white picket fence, the 2 dogs ( a substitute child for the gays) and we had a lifestyle that not many 18 yo's are accustom to. Endless dinner parties and gatherings with the whose who of the Paynesville socialites (thats a complete other blog) But it was tainted and didnt last, but not to say it didnt teach me my lessons. After that i flitted around, falling for nearly anything with a pulse that showed intrest, too many to name, some lovely but most usually ending in tears and a bottle of vodka. Then venturing straight into another LTR with a super lovely guy, but that was not to be either, nor for lack of trying. I did want it to be "it" that we all longingly search for, but it taught me that u cannot change the way of.... the gods... the heart...... of even fait, it just simply wasnt right. Which brings me to now... perhaps i shalt not enter into that at this current time, i will say it is a little messy. Not the yukky or horrible messy, just the confusing messy, the kind that makes u scratch ur head and wonder... what is happening? no really i would like to know!
 So thus brings me to the summary of this post, as u can see my life seems to be a endless search for that one true love as all of us are, some of us have found them and i say koot-os to u (i am rather jealous) but most of us are searching still, hoping, some praying me just dreaming. I know i transfix on it too much, perhaps this blogging will help me keep it under raps. So that is why i entitled my blog the suitable suitor, for it seems to be my life aim........ to find the suitable suitor.....
My suitable suitor

welcome to ME

So i dont protest to be techno savy in the slightest, nor do i really understand the whole "blogging" thing but everyone else is doing it...... so why cant i? I guess its the up to date version of a diary? crossed with facebook perhaps? So what to write on here? well for one im super grateful to the inventor of spell check, as english was never one of my strong points.